Saturday, September 12, 2009

let's talk bout LOVE

i've been thinking bout marriage recently...
now that my sis is married, and my big bro is marrying soon (it's 100110. hehehe)

yeah, thank you, i DO realize that i am still young to be talkin bout this.

i'm not even 19 yet.
still... marriage is something BIG!

i realized today that, for me to love someone,
is not because he/she is related by blood, have the same interest as me, or good looking.
it's more than that....

when i like someone, it's because we both understand.
and it's not any sort of understanding.
it's about da'wah, it's about fikrah.

i just realised this...
even in a friendship, even in the workplace, even in a marriage...

i can't stand looking at the people today.
living for most people is just about song, screen, sex, and sports.
you may not realise this, but even these things give you the most fun ... and pleasure?

i want to work for islam!
and that's why, i must find a husband that does the same.
or i will be left from the dawah stream.

i don't want to see "people who call themselves muslim but live a lifestyle of an atheist" increase in this world. let them become true muslim and work towards the caliphs system, and Allah's jannah. insyaallah...

why are you alive?

have you ever wondered...

why are you alive?

is it just....

study, work, marry, have some fun.... and DIE.

that's it? that's it to life? what?!

might as well i die now. right?

i've been having these thoughts...

and i'm very sure many people think bout it.

well, especially now that i've mentioned it!

even as a muslim, i just realized recently what this life is all about.

even so, i don't think i have realised it enough to sometimes stray from the purpose of life.

but now i have found it, i won't let it go.

and i hope it won't go away from me.

hmm? what am i talking about?

hahaha.... am talkin bout my purpose of life.

i can share with you guys what this life is all about.

but.... perhaps it's better if you find out yourself.

"seek... and you shall find"

life without purpose is just like this tree...